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                   天工開物文化旅游景區(qū)隸屬于樂山市天工開物文化傳播有限公司旗下業(yè)務(wù),樂山天工開物文化旅游景區(qū)是一座以佛教文化及水晶文化展示為主線的大型博物館。展館以遠古佛教故事為載體,采用水晶寶石語言詮釋和演繹水晶文化,館內(nèi)獨特的場景,無論是地球之心的建筑輪廓,佛祖修煉的洞穴,佛陀頓悟的菩提樹,五彩的星座神話,華麗璀璨的彌勒世界,全部采用稀有的水晶寶石,并充分運用創(chuàng)新的陳列技術(shù),將環(huán)幕投影、幻影成像、水幕投影、全息成像、虛擬現(xiàn)實等高科技技術(shù)將現(xiàn)代科技運用到物理場景里面,通過聲、光、電、多媒體手段為國內(nèi)外游客展示樂山、峨眉山博大精深的佛教文化,同時為觀者詮釋魂牽夢繞的水晶魔力,帶給游客嶄新的視覺之旅。景區(qū)內(nèi)陳列出4000多件展品,館內(nèi)的展品巧奪天工、獨具匠心,主要以“佛文化”為主,古代歷史人物、鳥類等為輔的雕刻題材,翔實逼真地展示了水晶礦物的形成、演變,以及其作為佛教七寶與佛的淵源。館內(nèi)還珍藏著天然水晶寶石雕刻的藝術(shù)品,除了諸多材質(zhì)上乘、雕工精湛的小型雕件外,一些大型的水晶雕件更是稱為“珍貴藏品”、“鎮(zhèn)館之寶”。展館面積為7200米,分為序廳、水晶種子館、水晶能量館、水晶文化館、水晶生活館、水晶品鑒館、水晶產(chǎn)業(yè)館。 天工開物文化旅游景區(qū)水晶博物館采用菱形建筑形態(tài),不僅展示了水晶的形狀,也是對建筑后現(xiàn)代主義風(fēng)格的嘗試。在樂山,這樣的建筑別具一格。這個項目作為樂山新型旅游目的地和文化產(chǎn)業(yè)示范區(qū),將成為峨眉山—樂山大佛景區(qū)的補伸。屆時,海通法師為什么要在岷江南岸開山造佛?為什么要建造彌勒佛而不是釋迦牟尼佛?海通法師造佛的艱辛與心境如何?這一系列問題,都將在水晶博物館內(nèi)得到解答。這座天然水晶博物館也將大放異彩,用現(xiàn)代科技展示傳統(tǒng)文化與水晶文化,為游人呈現(xiàn)出一個前所未有的神秘世界。 


                   Tiangong Kaiwu Cultural Tourism Scenic Area is affiliated to the business of Leshan Tiangong Kaiwu Culture Communication Co., Ltd. Leshan Tiangong Kaiwu Cultural Tourism Scenic Spot is a large-scale museum with Buddhist culture and crystal culture display as the main line. The pavilion uses ancient Buddhist stories as a carrier to interpret and interpret crystal culture in crystal gemstones. The unique scenes in the museum, whether it is the outline of the heart of the earth, the caves of Buddha cultivation, the buddhist tree of Buddha, the colorful constellation mythology, The gorgeous world of Maitreya uses rare crystal gems and uses innovative display technology to apply modern technology to physical scenes, such as ring screen projection, phantom imaging, water curtain projection, holographic imaging, and virtual reality. Through the sound, light, electricity and multimedia means to show the rich and profound Buddhist culture of Leshan and Emeishan for domestic and foreign tourists, and to explain the crystal magic of the dreams to the viewers, bring a new visual journey to tourists. More than 4,000 exhibits are displayed in the scenic area. The exhibits in the pavilion are exquisite and unique. The main theme is “Buddha culture”. The ancient Chinese historical figures and birds complement the sculptural theme, which vividly displays the formation and evolution of crystal minerals. And its origin as a Buddhist seven treasures and Buddha. The museum also houses works of natural crystal gemstone carvings. In addition to many small sculptures with superior materials and exquisite carvings, some large crystal carvings are called “precious collections” and “treasures of the town hall”. The exhibition hall covers an area of 7,200 meters and is divided into Preface Hall, Crystal Seed Museum, Crystal Energy Hall, Crystal Culture Hall, Crystal Living Hall, Crystal Tasting Hall and Crystal Industry Hall.

                   The Crystal Museum of Tiangong Kaiwu Cultural Tourism Scenic Area adopts a diamond-shaped architectural form, which not only displays the shape of the crystal, but also attempts to construct post-modernism style. In Leshan, such a building is unique. As a new tourist destination and cultural industry demonstration zone of Leshan, this project will become the extension of the Emeishan-Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Spot. At that time, why did Haitong Master open a mountain to build a Buddha on the south bank of the Minjiang River? Why build Maitreya instead of Sakyamuni Buddha? What is the hardship and mood of Haitong Master's creation of Buddha? This series of questions will be answered in the Crystal Museum. This natural crystal museum will also shine, using traditional technology to showcase traditional culture and crystal culture, presenting an unprecedented mysterious world for visitors.


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